Controlled Vocabulary

about Controlled Vocabulary:


David Riecks founded as a resource to help others learn how best to build controlled vocabulary lists, thesauri, and keyword hierarchies for describing images and increase success in finding them in digital asset management (DAM) systems.. He has been involved in many recent digital image standards initiatives as well as being a featured speaker at industry events such as PhotoPlus Expo, the Microsoft Pro Photo Summit, and a number of the International PhotoMetadata Conferences.

He also serves as the Chief Technical Advisor for the PLUS Coalition, which developed the Picture Licensing Universal Standards. Riecks formerly chaired the the Stock Artists Alliance's Imaging Technology Standards committee (2005 to 2011) and the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) Digital Photography Standards & Practices committee (from 2003 to 2005), where he was involved in the founding of the Universal Photographic Digital Imaging Guidelines coalition.

In 2004, Riecks was asked to participate in a working group to revise the decade old IPTC standard for use with Adobe's new XMP format. That IPTC4XMP group released the IPTC Core in 2005 along with a first ever "Custom Panels User Guide to the IPTC Core Schema for XMP" for which he served as the primary author. He has remained involved with the IPTC and has contributed to the IPTC Photo Metadata working group which released the update to the IPTC Core (v 1.1) in 2008, along with the IPTC Extension 1.0 schema. For the past two years he has also been contributing articles to the DAM Coalition website which focus on building image collections.

Riecks has recently assumed project leadership for the Stock Artists Alliance, Photo Metadata Education project, using an award from the US Library of Congress as part of their "Preserving Creative America" Initiative. In recognition of his years of work to further photo metadata standards, he was named as a "Pioneer of Digital Preservation" by the Library of Congress in 2009.

Riecks is available for consulting. Visit the contact page for options on how to connect.


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